Saturday 31 March 2012

New youtube-account.

Hi all of you lovelies!
Ooops, I did it again... I changed my youtube-account, but I lost the password for my old one - yes, I think I forgot a part of my brain when I was born... Well, the link to my new account is - I haven't uploaded anything yet, but I'm trying out some movie-hairstyles - WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON LONG HAIR AGAIN. Or I'll do one on myself and make my sister film it - I love her:).
But yeah, I'll get something uploaded VERY SOON. Excited!
xx Muchos Love, Ezza.

Friday 16 March 2012

I've been neglecting this blog...

Yeah, I've been busy with school and some other different things as well, but this will sum up what hair-related things I've been doing this week.
Like any other week, I've been on a lot of different hair-blogs. My favorite's at the moment are probably letsmakeitup1 - her youtube is AMAZING, princesshairstyles, dostochoose, girldohairstyles and redpunzel. They're all fantastic, and a huge inspiration.

Then there was this huge party at friday - well, I loved the hairstyles everybody came wearing. I did some hair throughout the party as well, but I sadly didn't got it on camera. I did 5 tiny Three-stranded braids, then braided them all together in a 5 strand braid. It looked amazing! Well, here's some pictures of the hairstyles everybody was wearing:

A dutch braid all aroud the head made by me, in a hurry, hah. 
Pretty girls. 
Those waves... She made frickin' 17 braids the night before! 
A high bun, the waves and me wearing a halfknot updo.

Well, this post made no sense, but I hope you enjoyed!
xx Ezza.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Half-Knot Updo.

Hi, all of you lovelies!
I know the name REALLY sucks, but I think this is a WONDERFUL hairstyle and I really love it! You should try it! Dancelady(The nicknames suck, I'm sorry.) has medium-thick hair almost down to her breasts, in my opinion a little too long for this hairstyles - the shoulder or so is perfect. As I said, I've done this on myself MANY times, the first time I ever did it, I made only 4 sections of halfknots, and it works just as well, but personally I like it better when there's a lot of sections.
I came up with this hairstyle in a quite weird way; my hair has (almost gone) layers, which is a huge problem for me, since the inner section of my hair is very thing and straight, although the rest of my hair is curly. Well, I was sitting in my room, getting ready to go downtown, when I wanted my hair out of my face, and I just did half-knots in a large section around my face. It looked VERY stupid, so I halfknotted the hair that was back. I got SO many compliments for this hairstyle. It's superlovely.
xx Ezza.

Simple Three Stranded Braid

Hi, all of you lovelies!
This is a simple tutorial on how to make a basic, three stranded braid. I know that most of you probably know how to do this, but just in case you don't, this shows you the basic. I left those little chunks of hair in front of her face out on purpose, just in case you were wondering. Miss Athletic has REALLY thick, wonderful hair, it's just SO soft.This was the hardest one to film - my friends couldn't take ANYTHING serious. HAHA; we had to take this one 5 times or so! We ended up with a pretty good tutorial, though. Here's the video.
If you have any kind of feedback, requests or something like that, email me( or write in the comments. Thank you. :)
xx Ezza.

Monday 5 March 2012

Hair Monday.

Hi, lovelies!
This day I experimented a lot. Last night I did the "No-Heat Headband Curls", which was really fun and easy to do! That's going to be something I do every single night, just to keep my hair curly. I lace-braided my rather long bangs as well, and attached them to the back of my head with bobbypins.
From the back, upside down. I tried to take a pic myself, which turned out bad...

It looks SUPER MESSY in this picture, and trust me, it was! It was worth it all, though! 

You may notice the lace-braid, which helped A LOT!

I can't believe I really did that!
Well, I forgot to take a picture this morning - I'm so grumpy when I get out of bed, I don't want to do anything, but let's just say it worked SUPER WELL. You should try it out. I wet it down last night, but tonight I'll try to do it without the water.
AND I BROUGHT A WHOLE NEW PACKAGE OF BOBBYPINS. 50 pieces. I think that'll be enough for 3 months, hah. They magically disappear.
xx Ezza.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Things needed to do my hairstyles.

Hi, all of you lovelies!
I know I haven't posted a tutorial yet, but there will be one or two... or more... up by the next Friday, that's the next time I'll get my hands on hair and a camera at the same time.
But the point of this post is to show you guys you don't need a lot of remedies to do some pretty sweet hairstyles.
Things you'll need: - or the things you may need, or the things that you'll need if you desire.

  • A brush - or whatever you comb your hair with in the morning. I have a paddle-brush from Schwarzkopf, which is a really great brush.
  • Elastics - small and big, thick and thin, black and coloured, all kinds. I prefer the black or brown ones, but if you're more of a wild one, colors are also great.
  • Bobby-pins, bobby-pins, bobby-pins. They always seem to disappear for me, I brought this HUGE package this summer, and it's already almost gone:(.
  • A curling and straightening iron - I don't really use them on myself, but I love the looks you get when you use them, and in some of the complicated hairstyles we may need 'em, so they're on the list as well.
  • A rat-tail comb - or anything like that, just to part the hair and so. You can basically use anything, when I'm really in need, I use the end of a pen.
  • ACCESSORIES! I hate to admit it, but if everytime I'm at the mall, the first place I go is "Accesories", no lie, I love them so much. 
  • Spray-bottle with water in it - I rarely use this, but when I do, I really love the effect, it makes it easier to do some of the hairstyles too.
  • Hairspray - if the hairstyle is for a party or so:)
I am so utterly excited to post a hairstyle sometime soon! As I said, THIS FRIDAY! :)
xx Ezza.